Prof. Dr. h.c. (mult.) Horst Klinkmann opened the General Assembly of the International Society for Forest Therapy (ISFT) on 14 June in Rostock. Numerous members of the ISFT from Portugal, Austria and Germany were present. Further ISFT members from Lithuania, Slovenia and South Korea participated online. After a short introduction by Prof. Dr. Klinkmann, the General Assembly discussed a draft statute, which was also unanimously adopted. Afterwards, the assembled members elected the Presidium of the Society. Prof. Dr. Klinkmann will serve as President of the ISFT for another year.
Mr. Manfred Baum, Board of Directors of State Forstry Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, was elected as his deputy. Dr. Heinz Boyer from the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems in Austria will in future hold the post of Secretary. He will be represented by Ms Darija Cvikl from Slovenia. Mr Sven Rüger from BioCon Valley e.V. was elected treasurer of the ISFT. He is represented by Alex Gesse from the Portuguese Forest Therapy Hub.
Thus, the ISFT now has both a statute and a presidium and is thus fully capable of conducting business. We at the International Certification Office Healing Forest are looking forward to future cooperative work with the ISFT.