About Us
Our mission
We are convinced that forests have an enormous potential for keeping us healthy. Apart from the preventive health-promoting properties of the forest, treatments in the forest, accompanied by trained therapists, are suitable to positively influence diseases as well as recovery.
With a lot of passion, knowledge, and experience, we want to create awareness of the health-promoting potential of the forest. In order to make the most of this potential, we set high-quality standards for healing forests based on medical evidence.
Who we are
The "International Certification Office Healing Forest" is proud to set standards for healing forests and forest therapy and awards the "Healing Forest Certificate", which is internationally recognized.
We are part of the BioCon Valley® GmbH, cluster health economy Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Our company is the central contact and driving force for health economy, strengthening employment, growth and competitiveness sustainably on a national and international level.
The "International Certification Office Healing Forest" is funded by the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which is a pioneer in the field of the therapeutic use of forests. For many years, the state government has been investing specifically in the health potential of forests and thus in strengthening health tourism. You can find more information about our project here.
You are interested in
certifying your forest as
a healing forest?
We will gladly support you
in the implementation and
planning of the project.
For more information just
Contact us.